Arias and Songs
How to find, select or filter recordings
TOP TEN (statistic started on 18th of December 2010). Total views: 1.751.649
- Una Furtiva Lagrima from 01-02-1904 - digital remaster (55696 views)
- Tre giorni son che Nina from 09-09-1919 (27233 views)
- Tu, ca nun chiagne from 08-09-1919 (19814 views)
- Fenesta che lucive from 10-04-1913 - digital remaster (17501 views)
- Cantique de Noël (O Holy Night) from 23-02-1916 (14209 views)
- Una Furtiva Lagrima from 11-04-1902 (13567 views)
- E lucevan le stelle from 11-04-1902 (11926 views)
- E lucevan le stelle from 01-02-1904 - digital remaster (10879 views)
- Over There from 11-07-1918 (10176 views)
- Celeste Aida from 11-04-1902 (9226 views)
By date or year: type the date or year in the text field under the heading Date. Example: you want to view only recordings from 1910. Type in 1910 and click the Filter button or hit enter on the keyboard.
By aria/song: type in a part of the name in the text field under Aria/Song. Example: "donna" will find all recordings with the text "donna" as part of the name; e.g. all recordings of La donna é mobile.
By opera/category: select the opera/category from the list.
By composer: select the composer from the list.
Digital remasterings: click in the checkbox Digital.
78's (direct transfers from original 78 records): click in the checkbox 78.
Any combination of these will work. Example: you want Puccini operas from 1906 and only digital remasterings. Under Date write 1906, select Puccini from the list of composers and check the Digital checkbox.
How to cancel/reset the search/filtering: remove all filter criteria. In the Date and Aria/Song fields, just click and the fields will be cleared. In the Opera/Category and Composer lists, select the empty selection space at the top. Digital: remove the checkmark by clicking in the checkbox. - When everything is removed, click the Filter button or hit enter.
Want to see all 328 recordings at once? Click here.