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Arias and Songs

How to find, select or filter recordings

By date or year: type the date or year in the text field under the heading Date. Example: you want to view only recordings from 1910. Type in 1910 and click the Filter button or hit enter on the keyboard.

By aria/song: type in a part of the name in the text field under Aria/Song. Example: "donna" will find all recordings with the text "donna" as part of the name; e.g. all recordings of La donna é mobile.

By opera/category: select the opera/category from the list.

By composer: select the composer from the list.

Digital remasterings: click in the checkbox Digital.

78's (direct transfers from original 78 records): click in the checkbox 78.

Any combination of these will work. Example: you want Puccini operas from 1906 and only digital remasterings. Under Date write 1906, select Puccini from the list of composers and check the Digital checkbox.

How to cancel/reset the search/filtering: remove all filter criteria. In the Date and Aria/Song fields, just click and the fields will be cleared. In the Opera/Category and Composer lists, select the empty selection space at the top. Digital: remove the checkmark by clicking in the checkbox. - When everything is removed, click the Filter button or hit enter.

Want to see all 328 recordings at once? Click here.

Records - 311 to 320 of 328
Date Aria/Song Opera/Category Composer Digital 78  
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16-01-1910 Ô merveille! ... A Moi les plaisirs - with Marcel Journet, bass Faust Gounod, Charles
12-01-1910 Seigneur Dieu, que vois-je? (Garden Scene, part 1) - Quartet Faust Gounod, Charles
12-01-1910 Eh! quoi! toujours seule? (Garden Scene, part 2) - Quartet Faust Gounod, Charles
06-01-1910 Il se fait tard with Geraldine Farrar, soprano (Garden Scene, part 3) Faust Gounod, Charles
16-01-1910 Que voulez-vous, messieurs? Faust Gounod, Charles
12-01-1910 Mon couer est pénétré d'épouvate with Geraldine Farrar, soprano Faust Gounod, Charles
12-01-1910 Eternelle? Ô nuit d'amour with Geraldine Farrar, soprano Faust Gounod, Charles
12-01-1910 Atttends! Voici la rue with Geraldine Farrar, soprano Faust Gounod, Charles
16-01-1910 Alerte! Qu vous êtes perdus! (Prison scene part III) Faust Gounod, Charles
01-12-1902 No, più nobile Adriana Lecouvreur Cilea, Francesco