Dreams of Long Ago
"Dreams of Long Ago"
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• Recorded 18-04-1912 •
Song in English (Caruso, Enrico)
Date of recording: Thursday, 18/04/1912
Poem/lyric by Earl Carroll; Melody by Enrico Caruso.
Shadows are falling and I sit alone
My heart recalling
Memories when you were my own
Once more you press me
two lips I adore
Once more caress me
As they did before
Dreams, just dreams of long ago
Dreams of days that we both know
Time can never change the past
Your mine in dreams until the last
Summer's gone and life grows cold
Still in dreams you're mine of old
Hearts may break, but you can't take
Those golden dreams of long ago
Fond recollections paint you vividly,
Youth's wild affections bring you in fancy to me
My arms enfold you, once again you're mine
Once more I hold you, close to love's own shrine
Dreams, just dreams of long ago
Dreams of days that we both know
Times can never change the past
You're mine in dreams until the last
Summer's gone and life grows cold
Still in dreams you're mine of old
Hearts may break, but you can't take
Those golden dreams of long ago
Views: 5715 (since 18. Dec. 2010)
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